How to use 'Tags' instead of 'Folders'

How to use 'Tags' instead of 'Folders'

Tags - who, what, when, where, how?

When creating a Group or doing some house keeping, you're able to associate a Group with a Tag. Imagine you're revising for an exam, when filtering through a book you might add a post-it note to the page so that you know the topic that page is talking about and where it is to help you later on.

To create, amend and delete your tags, you select the 'Cog' in the far right corner and then select 'Manage Tags'.

This will then bring you to the following screen where you'll be able to manage your current 'Tags' and add new ones. 

If you wish to add a new 'Tag', select 'Add Tag' in Blue. Which will then open the following box:

As you can see you can add your brand HEX codes as keeping on brand is key and also very helpful to the eye when you're used to these colours anyhow. 

Adding a name of the 'Tag', then adding a 'Description'. The 'Description' is very important as this is what will help someone else use the right 'Tag' when you're not available or they're performing housekeeping. 

This can be used to highlight event Groups, One-Off audiences or even just to 'Tag' which teams are in which Groups which I have done below:

Any questions around 'Tags' and how to use them, please contact our helpful Customer Success team here -
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