I can't login to my account!

I can't login to my account!

If you are having trouble logging in to NewZapp it may be due to one of two things:

1) You may be using an incorrect username and/or password.

If you are seeing this message on the login screen:
Invalid username or password. Please check fields and try again. Remember passwords are case sensitive.
- Has an incorrect username  (this is your email address) and/or password been typed in? 
- Are you using the correct case sensitive characters?
- Has an incorrect username and/or password been cached by your browser?
First thing to try is closing your browser window and trying again in a new one. Go to the NewZapp login page https://my.newzapp.co.uk/ type both username and password afresh.
You might also decide to clear your cache to erase your browser's auto-fill options in case an incorrect username and/or password has been stored by the browser. 
If you decide to reset your password you can do so using the link on the login page. More details can be found here: How do I change my password?

2) Someone may already be logged in with your username and password.
If you are seeing this message on the login screen:

Login failed. We’re sorry but the system has detected that you are currently logged in on this unique username and password.
- Does someone else have your unique username and password and are they already logged in?
- Have you recently been logged into you account, but you closed the browser instead of using the NewZapp logout button?

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